Clear Path to Discipleship
Panel Discussion: The Clear Path in a Rural Context
Join Our Catholic Family of Parishes as they discus what a Clear Path to Discipleship looks like for them. Resources mentioned in the video: A Clear Path Explained From Christendom… Read More
ChristLife: How to Make Disciples and Change Lives
Have you ever had a moment that completely turned your life around? In a heartfelt conversation with Dave Nodar, founder of ChristLife, he opened up about that pivotal moment when… Read More
Alpha in the Catholic Context
How would you transform your parish if you had a proven strategy to reignite faith and build a vibrant community? Today, I’m excited to share a piece of that strategy… Read More
How to Reach One More: Equipping Disciples for Mission Alongside Our Protestant Brothers
Is it hard to talk about Jesus with the people in your life? As Christians, we believe that spreading the good news of Jesus is essential to our faith, but… Read More
How to Recognize Sacred Moments: A Conversation with Archbishop Lucas
Wouldn’t it be nice if God performed some undeniable miracle and every person in the world converted? The reality is…he did. Jesus performed numerous miracles, and people still walked away… Read More
Fruitful Evangelization: How Love Leads to Conversion
Love builds a bridge over which truth can pass. ~Dan Burke How well do you love your neighbor? Love has this amazing power to change hearts and bring people closer… Read More
Transformative Conversations: How to Fostering Empathy and Understanding with the Abortion Dialogue Academy
Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a heated conversation and wondered how it even got there? Or maybe you’ve hesitated to bring up a sensitive topic, fearing… Read More
How to Become a Contagious Catholic with Marcel LeJeune
Have you ever met a contagious Catholic? I’m not talking about cold and flu season here – I mean meeting someone whose faith is so vibrant and inspiring that it… Read More
How to Engage Outsiders: Strategies for Sharing the Catholic Faith
How important is it to care about what outsiders think of the Catholic Church? Discover the significance of bridging the gap between the Church and those who may feel distant.… Read More
Coach's Corner
How to BLESS Others: The Art of Authentic Evangelization
Do you feel a desire to share your faith but worry about coming across as pushy or insincere? I get it. When I go into a relationship with the motive… Read More
Coach's Corner
How the Mass and the Eucharist Can Help You Evangelize
Why is sharing the source and summit of our faith rarely the first step to take when evangelizing? I want others to know and love Jesus. I know and love… Read More