How the Mass and the Eucharist Can Help You Evangelize
Why is sharing the source and summit of our faith rarely the first step to take when evangelizing? I want others to know and love Jesus. I know and love Jesus in the Eucharist, so why shouldn’t I jump straight to inviting non-believers to mass or adoration? While the Eucharist isn’t our opening act, we should by no means forget it entirely. The Eucharist is our headliner!
On today’s Coach’s Corner, I make the case that the Eucharist is in fact missional. It is missional because it is the source of our life, because we are sent on mission from Eucharistic communities, and because the mass itself commissions us to, “Go out and proclaim the gospel with your lives!”
Join me to hear:
- 1 way the Mass CANNOT help you evangelize.
- 3 ways the Eucharist CAN help you evangelize.
- How the Road to Emmaus reinforces the need for Mass and the Eucharist when evangelizing.
- How to live the missionary character of the Eucharist.
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Jim Jansen – Director of Pastoral Services, Archdiocese of Omaha
7 Responses to “How the Mass and the Eucharist Can Help You Evangelize”
Keep bringing us these messages. It helps to remind us why we are here. It truly helps. Thank you and God bless.
I agree that the Mass isn’t the ordinary place for nonbelievers to be catechized. But there is a need or a place for nonbelievers to ask questions and to be in conversation with believers. This place/space for conversation is the first part of the Order Of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). It is called Inquiry.
I see that it could be an ongoing venue in every parish. There is a challenge in Inquiry since it isn’t a ‘once done’ it’s over part of the process of conversion. Nor should it should it have a success agenda of getting people to become members. The agenda of inquiry is to provide the environment/experience for interaction and dialog with nonbelievers and believers. The believers could be the ones inviting nonbelievers to Come and See in an Inquiry setting. The SEARCH materials on work well for this. To invite nonbelievers to such ongoing sessions/experiences would provide a way to openness to catechesis without expecting or forcing it on on our terms.
Father, you are so right. In addition to the conversations that we can have as individuals the Church envisions the process of Christian Initiation (RICA now OCIA) to include a place of open inquiry where people can connect and explore faith without the commitment to become Catholic. provides dynamic content for us as Catholics and for those who may just have some initial curiosity.
If you would not recommend inviting them to Mass, which I can understand, then what would you recommend? When I was a Baptist I could have invited someone to a Bible Study. Something that is always going on that they can build a community in. I’m at a loss in the Catholic Church. So many of the events are a once and done thing at different churches throughout Omaha. Is it OK to invite them to the Protestant Bible Studies?
Great question Cleo. You hit on the challenge. We must have something to invite them to come and encounter the Lord. I recommend inviting them to a small group in your home. Get some other faithful friends and some snacks and gather around the word of God. If leading a group seem intimidating, check out the Live Lent Together resources at the link below. They are a super easy way to start a small group and the best part is Jesus does all the heavy lifting. You just make invitations.
Great episode on the mass and Eucharist!
Great insight suggesting church goers bring “something” to mass! Quite deep!
Hope all is well. Still would like you to come talk to our discipling team at Wenceslaus! Take care.
Thanks Kevin. I love what is going on at St. Wenceslaus!