The Power of Small Groups

It’s not possible to live and grow in the faith without the support of a group – JPII 

Have you ever had something important happen in your life and had no one to share it with? Did you know that the average American hasn’t made a friend in the last five years? 

As Catholics, we know that community is integral to the faith, and yet, so many in the Body of Christ feel disconnected and alone. 

I’d like to propose a solution: small groups. 

Small groups give us the opportunity to enter into life with individuals and to form relationships. They allow us to live and grow in the faith in a way that is otherwise impossible when we do not have a consistent and intentional way of journeying together 

In today’s podcast Calvin Mueller answers questions such as:

  • What do small group’s do? Why should people be excited? 
  • Should pastors be doing this? And if so, how? 
  • What’s the difference between small groups and card clubs? 
  • What is the role of the leader? 
  • What are our first steps? 
  • If I were a small group leader, how do I know I’m doing well? 
  • What content materials are available? 

If you want to learn to be a small group leader join our Live Lent Together Trainings!

And check out our Small Group Resource Materials!

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Jim Jansen – Director of Pastoral Services, Archdiocese of Omaha

Fr. Jeff Lorig – Pastor at St. Joan of Arc and St. Thomas More


Calvin Mueller – Rural Parish Evangelization Coordinator

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