Why Setting Boundaries Matters to Your Ministry
Is it okay to set boundaries in ministry work? How do we balance being “all things to all people” (1 Cor 9:22) with the need for personal limits? Today’s guest… Read More
Turn Fatigue into Flourishing: Reignite Your Passion for Evangelization with Fr. John Riccardo
Do you find it hard to maintain enthusiasm for evangelization? You’re not alone. Many of us in ministry face moments of profound fatigue and discouragement. But let me share something… Read More
Trade Perfection for God’s Plan: A Conversation with Colleen Carol Campbell
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by trying to be perfect? I mean, Jesus did tell us to “be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt. 5:48), and Paul certainly… Read More
The Culture Project: How to Talk to Teens about Sex and Identity
Theology of the Body has the power to deeply impact how we approach sexual identity and self-worth. As a father, I understand how tough it can be to navigate these… Read More
Clear Path to Discipleship
Panel Discussion: The Clear Path in a Rural Context
Join Our Catholic Family of Parishes as they discus what a Clear Path to Discipleship looks like for them. Resources mentioned in the video: A Clear Path Explained From Christendom… Read More
ChristLife: How to Make Disciples and Change Lives
Have you ever had a moment that completely turned your life around? In a heartfelt conversation with Dave Nodar, founder of ChristLife, he opened up about that pivotal moment when… Read More
Alpha in the Catholic Context
How would you transform your parish if you had a proven strategy to reignite faith and build a vibrant community? Today, I’m excited to share a piece of that strategy… Read More
Clear Path to Discipleship
The Clear Path to Discipleship in a Rural Context
Did you know that on average, there’s only one priest for every 2,000 parishioners in our archdiocese? With such a large group to guide, you might wonder how it could… Read More
Sanctify the Ordinary with Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, Chance and Lora Unger
Have you ever heard the universal call to holiness, “Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect,” and instead of feeling inspired, felt discouraged? Holiness is hard, especially when we… Read More
How to Effectively Share the Gospel of Life With Women
As we approach the 2nd anniversary of the repeal of Roe v. Wade, the debate about abortion continues to divide us. Have you noticed, maybe even in your own conversations,… Read More
How to Reach One More: Equipping Disciples for Mission Alongside Our Protestant Brothers
Is it hard to talk about Jesus with the people in your life? As Christians, we believe that spreading the good news of Jesus is essential to our faith, but… Read More